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  • Collection: 002 - Children and Tobacco

Bubble Gum Cigars

Newspaper article in USA Today (McLean) on a House bill that would ban the sales of bubble gum cigars or any other non-tobacco designed item meant to resemble a tobacco product.

Candy Cigarettes

A newspaper article by Rex Springston in the Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond). Discussion on if candy cigarette cartons look like real cartons of cigarettes like Marlboro or Lucky Strike and what kind of affect this may have on children.

School bans "cigarettes" after parents' complaints

Magazine article in The Medical Journal of Australia on removing chocolate candy cigarettes from a primary school's tuck shop in Adelaide. 

Philip Morris Ads to Warn off Trademark Violators

Newspaper article in the Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles) on companies using the likiness of Marlboro to market non-tobacco themed candy to children and Marlboro's response to the use of their trademarks.

Quiet Controversy: Candy Smokes Sell On

Newspaper article in The Wall Street Journal (New York City) on companies creating non-tobacco themed candy for children and the unknown affects of these products on children.

Dave (Himself!) Evicted Candy Cigarettes

Newspaper article in The Washington Post (Washington, D.C.) about a man selling candy cigarettes to children and a father's response to it.

Philip Morris Lights Trademark Effort

Newspaper article from USA Today (McLean) about Philip Morris USA and Marlboro trying to crackdown on rip-offs of their trademarks. 

Smokes for Kids

Newspaper article from the Daily News (New York City) on herbal cigarettes and their lure to teenagers.

Antismoking Groups Fuming Over Candy Cigarettes

Newspaper article from The Tampa Tribune (Tampa) on efforts to ban candy cigarettes in the United States 

Today's Teens aren't totally Clueless about Tobacco

A newspaper article from The Brimingham New (Birmingham) about teenagers and their awareness of smoking and the dangers that come with it.